The project has received funding from the EEA Grants 2014-2021 under the Programme CZ – Culture in the support area Innovative use of movable and immovable cultural heritage.
Short description of the project:
The Capuchin monastery is situated in Opočno town and is owned by The Regional Authority of Hradec Králové region. It has been abandoned and unused since 2007. According to a public opinion survey, local people often have no idea about its existence, even though it is located in the town centre. The reason is because the whole monastery area has been hidden behind high stone walls and closed gate for several years.
The project Community garden of Capuchin monastery in Opočno town focuses on partial revitalization of the monastery garden and will lead to the opening of this long-term closed monument and its innovative use according to the needs of the local community.
Project activities:
- Procurement of Technical Equipement
- Educational Activities in the Area of Culture Business
- Estabishement of the Community Garden
- Organizing of Culture Event in Garden of the Monastery for the local Community
- Project publicity
- Project management
- Educational Activities for the Local Community and the Self-governement
Project tasks:
- To educate the public about the cultural heritage management and its innovative use
- To encourage the cultural managers in cultural heritage revitalization
- To involve the local people, including all social groups, in the creating process of the community garden in order to strengthen their relationship to the monastery and support the development of the community itself
- To create an „oasis of calm“ in the monastery garden by purchasing park equipement (= outdoor furniture)
- To revitalize the monastery garden with cultural events
In order to reach the project task, Fjellugla Komeptanse will participate in the implementation of the educational activities. The partner organisation will lead the workshop of creating benches for the monastery garden and educatinal seminars about cultural heritage management for the local community and self-government. Further educational trainings will focus on cultural managers and will contribute to the increase of cultural management proffesionals specialized in the revitalization and reuse of cultural monuments.
Project results:
- Re-opening of the long-term closed cultural heritage monument
- Partial revitalization of the monastery garden that will be used as a platorm for organizing cultural events and leisure activities
- Strategic plan for the future use of the monastery and its sustainable management created by using participatory methods
The community garden project will be the first step in the entire monastery revitalization. It has great social, cultural and economic potential for the future of Opočno town and its inhabitants.